With ROMAN MOSER MINICON loopsystem you can easily change leader, line or shooting head.By using the MINICON concept Your fishing will be easier, less time consuming and efficient.
Read moreRoman Moser Minicon Trout 8kg
17.80 USD
It's the little things that sometimes make all the difference between a good day and a fantastic day. Our range of accessories covers most of the gear a fly fisher needs. You may think you're all set with your fly rod, reel and lines, but remember to include the important small fly fishing essentials.
With ROMAN MOSER MINICON loopsystem you can easily change leader, line or shooting head.By using the MINICON concept Your fishing will be easier, less time consuming and efficient.
Read moreRoman Moser Minicon Trout 8kg
17.80 USD
With ROMAN MOSER MINICON loopsystem you can easily change leader, line or shooting head.By using the MINICON concept Your fishing will be easier, less time consuming and efficient.
Read moreRoman Moser Minicon Salmon 20kg
18.74 USD
With ROMAN MOSER MINICON loopsystem you can easily change leader, line or shooting head.By using the MINICON concept Your fishing will be easier, less time consuming and efficient.
Read moreRoman Moser Minicon Salmon 17kg
18.74 USD
TMC TYING SCISSORS are the choice of tiers due to the large plastic finger loops which reduce the weight.
Read moreTMC Tying Scissors
33.36 USD
The heavier wire version of TMC112Y for big trouts. The size 7 and 9 are good for big insects and beetles. Same 1X fine wire with our standard TMC100.
Read moreTMC 112TR Dry Fly
18.74 USD
TMC 2488 is a superb hook for emerger patterns and dry flies. Generous hook gap gives great hooking properties in all sizes.
Read moreTMC 2488 Dry Fly/Nymph
5.90 USD
Standard dry fly hook with solid wire for all types of dry flies.
Read moreTMC 100 Dry Fly
5.90 USD
Emerger and dry fly hook with perfect size and shape that makes your flies look stunning!
Read moreTMC 2487 Emerger/Nymph
5.90 USD
Klinkhammers and emergers, wide gap for secure hooking. Strong wire that manage big fish.
Read moreTMC 212TR Dry Fly/Emerger
18.74 USD
Light wire emerger and dry fly hook for sparse dressed flies. Curved shank hook with a very wide gape for dry flies hanging on the surface.
Read moreTMC 212Y Dry Fly/Emerger
5.90 USD
A light fine wire all-round dry fly hook with a design that hooks very well.
Read moreTMC 102Y Dry Fly
5.90 USD
Light wire with super proportions for the most delicate dries!
Read moreTMC 112Y Dry Fly
5.90 USD
Very strong hook for dries tied with well floating materials, perfetc for nymphs and wetflies. Fishing for trophy size trout? This is the one!
Read moreTMC 9300 Nymph/Wet Fly
5.90 USD
2X heavy curved shank hook for nymphs.
Read moreTMC 2457 Nymph
5.90 USD
This hooks has the shape of our regular tubehook, but with a even stronger wire.
Read moreTreble X-Strong
15.99 USD
Heavier version of TMC103BL. TMC103BL has been very popular worldwide because of its superior hooking ability.
Read moreTMC 113 BLH Dry/Nymph
5.90 USD
Allround streamer hook with 3X long shaft. Suitable for both streamers and nymphs.
Read moreTMC 5263 Nymph/Streamer
5.90 USD
Strong barbless, great for emergers, pupae & larva, shrmps, eggs etc.Popular in Europe for Check-nymphs.
Read moreTMC 2499SP-BL Nymph/Barbless
6.83 USD
Turned down eye, bronzed, 3x strong double fly hook.
Read moreKamasan B270 Trout Double
9.39 USD
A superb fly hook beautiful shape to create some good looking salmon flies. Extremely sharp and reliable hook with a cool Black nickle finish that matches all patterns.
Read moreDouble Hook Strong
14.99 USD
Nickel plated streamer hook for both salt- and freshwater environments.
Read moreTMC 9394 Streamer/Saltwater
5.90 USD
The perfect, short shanked, double hook for tube flies! Suitable for salmon, steelhead and sea trout in all conditions. Extremely sharp and reliable with a beautiful Black nickel finish !
Read moreDouble Tube
14.99 USD
Razor sharp, super strong tube and fly hooks with outstanding quality manufactured in carbon steel with black nickel finish.
Read moreSingle Tube Hook
14.99 USD
The standard of stainless saltwater fly hook.
Read moreTMC 811S Streamer/Saltwater
6.83 USD
Strong (our standard) treble tube hook for normal size fish.
Read moreTreble Standard
14.99 USD
Since 1993, knowledge and passion have been reflected in each of our products. We are dedicated to meet the high expectations of the modern fly angler with lesser impact on nature, while giving rise to everlasting moments by the water.
Because, at the end of the day, It’s all about the experience.